Thirrje per Konference Shkencore Nderkombetare-Maj 2025
KONFERENCA SHKENCORE NDËRKOMBËTARE “DREJTËSIA, SIGURIA DHE TË DREJTAT E NJERIUT” (KSHNDSDN -FDUL 2025) Të nderuar akademikë, studiues, kërkues shkencorë dhe profesionistë të fushës së drejtësisë, sigurisë dhe të drejtave të njeriut, Universiteti Luarasi ka kënaqësinë t’ju ftojë të merrni pjesë në Konferencën Shkencore Ndërkombëtare me temën “DREJTËSIA, SIGURIA DHE TË DREJTAT E NJERIUT” […]
10th International Multidisciplinary Conference “Education-Research-Innovation” (IMCERI-2022) (Law, Economic, IT & Innovation, Education, and Medical Sciences)
We are glad to invite you to the International Scientific Conference on “Education-Research-Innovation” (IMCERI-2022) (Law, Economic, IT & Innovation, Education, and Medical Sciences) on December 13th 2022 ,at “Luarasi” University, Tirana, Albania. International Conference is the best opportunity for everyone to share research findings, as well as to exchange ideas with fellow academia members, expand […]
9th International Scientific Conference “Contemporary Trends and Multidisciplinary Issues in Nowadays Society” (Forth Call)
We are glad to invite you to the International Scientific Conference on Contemporary Trends and Multidisciplinary Issues in Nowadays Society on October 1st 2020 at “Luarasi” University, Tirana, Albania. International Conference is the best opportunity for everyone to reach the large assemblage of participants from academia, researchers, junior researchers, and other professionals. We would be […]
Call for Editorial Board of Reviewers
Journal of Knowledge and Innovations (JKI) is a peer-reviewed international journal, devoted to all the scientists in subject areas like law, economics, information technology and innovations, and educational sciences. Journal of Knowledge and Innovations (JKI) clearly understands the importance of an effective peer review process when authors choose to submit their manuscripts to our Journal. […]
Call for Editorial Board Members
Journal of Knowledge and Innovations (JKI) is a peer-reviewed international journal, devoted to all the scientists in subject areas like law, economics, information technology and innovations, and educational sciences. We are seeking professionals to join our Editorial Board. You will be entitled following benefits while working with us as an editorial board member of the […]
9th International Scientific Conference “Contemporary Trends and Multidisciplinary Issues in Nowadays Society” (Second Call)
We are glad to invite you to the International Scientific Conference on Contemporary Trends and Multidisciplinary Issues in Nowadays Society on 6th of May ‘2020 at “Luarasi” University, Tirana, Albania. International Conference is the best opportunity for everyone to reach the large assemblage of participants from academia, researchers, junior researchers, and other professionals. We would […]
8th International Scientific Conference: “Integrated Policy in Research and Innovation”
Luarasi University is organizing the 8th International Conference on “Integrated Policy in Research and Innovation” On May 8, 2019. The conference will provide a platform to Research Scholars, Practicing Managers, and Academicians to publish high quality research work in the areas of Law, Business, Management, Commerce, Technology and Innovation. Its aim is to promote research […]
8th International Scientific Conference: “Integrated Policy in Research and Innovation”
Luarasi University is organizing the 8th International Conference on “Integrated Policy in Research and Innovation” On May 8, 2019. The conference will provide a platform to Research Scholars, Practicing Managers, and Academicians to publish high quality research work in the areas of Law, Business, Management, Commerce, Technology and Innovation. Its aim is to promote research […]
KONFERENCË SHKENCORE NDËRKOMBËTARE “DINAMIZMI I REFORMAVE DHE NDIKIMI I TYRE NË ZHVILLIMIN E QËNDRUESHËM EKONOMIK, POLITIK DHE SOCIAL” Konferenca do të sjellë në tryezën e diskutimeve pedagogë, studiues, ekspertë të fushës së ekonomisë dhe drejtësisë për të diskutuar dinamikat e zhvillimit të shoqërisë në aspektin ekonomik dhe shoqëror, si dhe problematikat e shfaqura brenda […]
Konferenca Ndëkombëtare Shkencore me temë: “Inovacioni dhe Zhvillimi i Qëndrueshëm” organizuar nga Fakulteti Ekonomik i KU Luarasi, 12 prill 2017
Konferenca Ndëkombëtare Shkencore me temë: “Inovacioni dhe Zhvillimi i Qëndrueshëm” organizuar nga Fakulteti Ekonomik i KU Luarasi, 12 prill 2017 Përshëndetje të dashur miq, Dje mbajti punimet Konferenca Ndëkombëtare Shkencore me temë ” Inovacioni dhe Zhvillimi i Qëndrueshme” organizuar nga Fakulteti Ekonomik i KU Luarasi. Referatat e kësaj konference flisnin lidhur me impaktin e inovacionit […]